What is PropTechBuzz?


What is PropTechBuzz?

PropTechBuzz is the world’s only platform where prop-tech products are launched and promoted on the global stage.

The journey of PropTechBuzz began 14 months ago, when I started having deep conversation with prop-tech founders and CEOs from around the world. The more I conversed with them, I found a pattern in their challenges they shared with me. Here are the three challenges:

  • Lack of global visibility and scalability opportunities for proptech companies.
  • Barriers to technological innovation and adoption, and
  • Competing against entrenched companies with VC-funded marketing budgets.

With PropTechBuzz, we are creating a level playing field where all prop-tech companies, regardless of size or marketing budget, can showcase their products and promote themselves on a global scale.

Designed from the ground up to generate accurate matching between companies looking for tech, for backing, or for quality industry data/analysis, and potential users and buyers, PropTechBuzz generates the right opportunities for startups and industry veterans alike.

The biggest hurdle any company looking to get into prop-tech encounters is finding good data; the right people, the right software, the right solutions, the right funding, and accurate insights into barriers to entry.

What we Offer?

Offering a comprehensive suite of features to help launch and promote prop-tech companies, services include launch support & advancement, community engagement with founders, product spotlights, reviews, forums, educational resources, and CEO spotlights.

PropTechBuzz’s unique democratization promotes companies upvoted by the community into free, earned spotlight positions.

The platform provides a centralized hub where industry professionals, real estate agents, property owners, and technologists can discover, evaluate, and engage with the latest technological innovations.