The Growing Influence of LLMs in Multifamily Revenue Management


The real estate industry is constantly evolving, and with it, the strategies used to manage and optimize the revenue generated by multifamily properties. 

There has been a growing interest lately in using large language models (LLMs) to enhance multifamily revenue management.

LLMs are powerful AI tools that can handle and analyze massive volumes of data, making them well-suited for the complexities of revenue management.

In this post, we will look at the growing impact of LLMs in multifamily revenue management and discuss how these cutting-edge tools can help improve efficiency, facilitate better pricing decisions, and enhance customer experience.

We’ll also talk about some of the challenges and considerations associated with using LLMs, and we’ll look to the future to see how these tools will likely continue to transform the industry.

The Impact of LLMs in MRM

Multifamily revenue management is a critical function for any property management company responsible for maximizing revenue from multifamily housing properties. 

Traditionally, MRM has relied on manual data analysis, market research, and industry expertise to decide pricing, occupancy, and marketing strategies. 

However, the sheer volume and complexity of data involved in MRM make it increasingly challenging to manage effectively using traditional methods.

This is where LLMs come into play. By leveraging the capabilities of LLMs, revenue managers can gain valuable insights from data that would otherwise be too difficult or time-consuming to extract.

Here are some use cases in which LLMs can impact MRM:

  • Data analysis: LLMs can analyze various data sources, including market trends, resident behavior, competitor activity, and property-level data, to identify patterns and trends that would be difficult or time-consuming to spot manually.
  • Insights and recommendations: LLMs can generate insights and recommendations for optimizing pricing strategies, occupancy rates, and resident retention. For instance, LLMs can help identify which units are most likely to rent quickly and at higher rents, helping property managers optimize pricing.
  • Task automation: LLMs can help automate many time-consuming tasks involved in MRM, such as lead scoring, tenant communication, and risk assessment. This frees up revenue managers to focus on more strategic activities.
  • Personalized marketing and targeting: LLMs excel at analyzing vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends, enabling property managers to develop customized marketing campaigns that resonate with specific tenant demographics. By understanding tenant preferences and behaviors, LLMs can help target marketing efforts effectively, leading to increased conversion rates and occupancy levels.
  • Automated tenant communication and engagement: LLMs can power chatbots and virtual assistants to provide 24/7 tenant support and communication. These AI-powered interactions can handle routine tasks such as answering questions, processing maintenance requests, and providing personalized recommendations, freeing up property managers’ time and enhancing tenant satisfaction.

The use of LLMs in MRM is still in its early stages, but the potential benefits are clear. By automating tasks, providing data-driven insights, and enhancing the customer experience, LLMs can help MRM professionals make better decisions, improve efficiency, and boost revenue.

Benefits of using LLMs in Multifamily Revenue Management

Increased efficiency and productivityLLMs can automate many of the time-consuming tasks involved in revenue management, such as lead scoring, tenant communication, and risk assessment. This frees up MRM professionals to focus on more strategic activities.
Improved decision-making based on data-driven insightsLLMs can analyze vast amounts of data and generate insights that would be difficult or impossible to obtain manually. This allows revenue and asset managers to make more informed decisions about pricing, occupancy, and marketing strategies.
Enhanced customer experience and satisfactionLLMs can analyze tenant behavior and preferences to provide personalized and responsive customer service. This can help to improve tenant satisfaction and retention rates.
Greater competitive advantage in the multifamily marketBy using LLMs to optimize their revenue management strategies, property management companies can gain a competitive edge in the multifamily market.

Challenges and Considerations of LLMs in MRM

While LLMs offer numerous potential benefits for MRM, some challenges and considerations must be addressed. These include:

Specialized expertise: Implementing and using LLMs effectively requires specialized AI and machine learning expertise. This may require property management companies to invest in training for their staff or hire external consultants.

Data privacy and security: LLMs are trained on large amounts of data, which may include sensitive resident information. Ensuring this data is handled securely and ethically following data privacy regulations is essential.

Potential biases: LLMs are trained on human-generated data, which may reflect or amplify existing societal biases. It is important to be aware of these potential biases and design prompts to help mitigate them.

Integration with existing systems: LLMs must be integrated seamlessly into existing MRM systems and workflows to ensure they can be used effectively. This may require some upfront investment in system integration and training.

Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of LLMs for MRM are significant. As technology advances, we should expect to see even more creative applications of LLMs in this area.

Additional considerations for property management companies when using LLMs in MRM:

Start small and scale gradually: Use LLMs for a limited number of tasks, such as lead scoring or tenant communication. As you develop skills and confidence, you can broaden your use of LLMs to other areas.

Use LLMs to augment, not replace, human expertise: LLMs are powerful tools, but should not be seen as a replacement for human expertise. Nothing can fully replace having boots on the ground.

Revenue management professionals should use LLMs to gain insights and inform their decision-making, but they should still use their judgement and experience to make the final decisions.

Be transparent with tenants: Let your tenants know that you are using LLMs to manage certain aspects of their rental experience. This will aid in the development of trust and transparency.

Property management companies can harness the power of these AI tools to improve their MRM strategies and achieve their business goals by carefully considering the challenges and considerations associated with using LLMs.

The Future of LLMs in Multifamily Revenue Management

Here are some of the main trends to look out for in the future of LLMs in multifamily revenue management:

  • Increased integration of LLMs into revenue management workflows: LLMs will become essential to revenue management, from lead generation to tenant retention.
  • Development of more sophisticated LLMs tailored to the industry’s specific needs: When trained on more industry specific data, LLM models can help managers respond to the unique challenges of the multifamily industry, such as high tenant turnover and seasonal fluctuations in demand.
  • The emergence of new applications and use cases for LLMs in multifamily revenue management: LLMs are already being used to help automate tasks such as lease renewals and rent collection, and they will be able to provide personalized recommendations for amenities and services.

Overall, the future of LLMs in multifamily revenue management is bright. LLMs can potentially make the industry more efficient, profitable, and resident-centric. Property managers who embrace LLMs will be well-positioned for success in the years to come.


Large language models are transforming the multifamily housing industry by providing property managers with new and innovative ways to market, price, and manage their properties. 

LLMs can automate tasks, personalize marketing campaigns, and optimize pricing strategies, all of which can lead to increased revenue and tenant satisfaction. As LLMs continue to grow, they will become an even more valuable tool for multifamily property managers.


Marc Rutzen is the Co-founder/CEO of HelloData.AI
HelloData uses AI to identify the most similar rent & expense comps for any size apartment building, then they analyze them every day to recommend the pricing, value-adds and operational improvements that will maximize your NOI.

Their national data pipeline includes daily rent & availability updates on over 2M multifamily properties nationwide, and they offer a series of proprietary algorithms to extract data from real estate photos, floorplans and listing descriptions to enrich data driven products.